Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Sick Day

And its not one of the fun ones.

I went to work this morning and I had a bit of a tummy ache. No biggie, I can work though it. Then I started to get dizzy. So I made my self something to eat, the luxury of working in a kitchen. That didn't help. Now its worse, and the dizziness is bordering on fainting. So I drink some OJ... that will bring up the blood sugar and help a little, right? WRONG! All of a sudden I lost it. Running down the stairs to the employee bathroom... thank GOD it was just cleaned! I got sick for about 30 minutes. When I came back to the kitchen Kevin, the owner, said that he was gonna call someone else in and I could go home when they got there. He joked that it was morning sickness. I guaranteed him that it was not. Maybe it was the milk I drank last night... The date on the container was the 26th and I didn't notice it until I was throwing the carton away and my glass of milk was almost gone.

I struggled through the rest of breakfast. It got really busy for a little bit and I was a bit shaky from before. When Sarah got there I left. I walked home and crawled back into bed. It woke Gordon up and he was a bit confused as to why I was getting back in bed at 11am when I should be at work. I slept for a few more hours. I'm feeling a little bit better but still shaky.

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