... its been a while.
I really let my self go... in the blogging world that is. Since we last spoke I started a second job as a baker for a catering company/restaurant. It was fun but it slowly consumed my life. All through the holidays and into the new year I worked 2 jobs and had a very full social life. Book club was going great we added some new members.
During that time I became completely involved with the show Lost. I know I got on the bandwagon a little late so I seriously had some catching up to do before the new season started in January. Between Thanksgiving and the season 4 premier in mid January Gordon and I watched all of Lost. The hard part was then having to wait a whole week for the next episode. We love that show!
In February I was offered a job at a country club out in the burbs. It was a lot more money, health insurance and a double title of Sous Chef and Pastry Chef. I went back and forth about it. I mean, I deserve to just have one job, to have benefits, to make more money. But, I would have to leave the restaurant I love, give up my evenings and my Sundays off (that's a big one, Sunday is the only day that Gordon and I both had off all day together). But I took it. I didn't start till April. And, right at the end there was a lot of back and forth. The owner hired me. The Executive Chef said he was going to keep looking... uh I already gave my notice I won't have a job at all in a few days if you guys don't get your shit straight....It all worked out in the end. And I ended up getting a whole week off in between. I'm still at the club but I don't like it very much. But everything is a learning experience. I'll take what I can get out of it while I am there and when its time to move on I will feel no regrets.
With spring comes a new apartment. Something closer to work/night life (because 6 blocks wasn't close enough now Gordon 1 block from work and we can see our favorite bar from our living room window). Its smaller, has more character, cheaper, and will let us have a dog. I like it a lot.
This year marks Gordon and my 9th anniversary. Nine years ago we were just 2 kids with our whole lives in front of us. Now we are we. It was a long journey with ups and downs but we are together and that's what counts. I love him more and more every year that we are together. He's my best friend. I wouldn't have it any other way.
Summer is great. I love the heat, the sun staying up late, the BBQs, the weddings, and the soccer games. I love summer. We got to go home for a long weekend to celebrate our friend's, Kathryn and Sean, wedding. It was a blast. And it was a much needed trip home. I hadn't been there since Christmas.
there's more to come....