Monday, May 19, 2008

Oh, Dr. Jones!

I love Indiana Jones. I have loved those movies ever since I was a kid. It was a family thing at my house. We all loved to watch Indi fight Nazi, save a village in India, and search the world for treasures. When I was a kid I use to torture my brother by pretending to pull his heart out of his chest like the guy in Temple of Doom. He use to cry and scream for my mom because he actually thought I was going to pull his heart out. Ahhh, sibling love.

So, since all the talk started up about a new Indiana Jones movie started I have been excited to go see it. All the teasers Shai LeBouf was giving on SNL were driving me crazy and making me a little scared. When I went to see Iron Man there was a preview for Indiana. WOW!!! This just fueled the fire to go see the movie the moment it came out. I mentioned this to Gordon and he told me that there was going to be a press screening the Sunday before the movie comes out. I was so excited. I told him we HAVE to go!

I woke up Sunday morning like it was Christmas. I couldn't wait to go. We have been to screenings before, but none like this. When we got there was a whole catered breakfast buffet; coffee, juice, bagels, pastries, fruit, and mini muffins. It was 10:30am and they had run out of regular coffee. All Gordon wanted was a cup of coffee, poor guy. We also got free popcorn and a soda. They showed the movie on two screens. The titles started to run and they weren't in traditional Indi graphics, it was strange. I won't give anything away, I hate when people do that. I will say that I wasn't ecstatic about the touches George Lucas put on the Indi story line. BUT, it was action packed and I did like Shai's character.

Hope you enjoy the film.

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